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Fractal Radio [wcj_product_average_rating]
Everything you need to know about crypto gaming. Brought to you by Justin Kan and Fractal Wagmi Inc.
Fractal is a marketplace for in-game assets & virtual worlds.
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Coin Bureau
Your essential informational portal to the world of Cryptocurrencies & Forex
The Martian Report
Bringing awareness to the implications of the adoption of Ripple
Very sad to see what this channel is turning into. I’ve been a justin kan follower since he had like <1000 subs and I was probably in the first 100 subscribers of his Onlyfans channel before it became Fractal radio. Like, I though this was going to be my #1 go-to channel for startup podcasts with famous founders and other great guests like Michael Seibel.… Read more »
First of all, it’s not “onlyfans” it’s “onlyfriends” 😂😂😂
Furthermore, you probably not a gamer and it’s likely that just don’t get NFTs.
This is the next type of digital property for zoomers and younger generations and it’s already huge. Wake up.
You don’t even believe that yourself. If NFT had no monetary value you woul not even give two shits about them.
YCombinator started doing videos again, it’s not as “punchy” as Onlyfriends but its always nice to hear Michael Seibel.
Hush your beak weirdo