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Market analysis – Cryptocurrencies
I’m Mariah Monetize and welcome to the world of investing!
I mainly track Bitcoin price, but I also look at BTC news as well
Daily cryptocurrency live trading, market analysis, breaking news, interviews and AMA’s.
Bank software, blockchain, fintechs, IoV, IoT, R3, Ripple,coil, IPL, Interledger
Bittrex Global is the best digital asset exchange on 🌍
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Founder, co-Chief Investment Officer and co-Chairman of Bridgewater Associates.
XRP shill
The fact that this guy managed to fill an entire fucking channel with XRP gaslighting and managed to keep it going until December 2020 deserves at least one extra star. 😂 Here it is
XRP is a shooting star which ended up being a wet diaper
Daily BTC/CRYPTO analysis – Made for Realists
Videos, Live Q&A, and Books about Bitcoin & Open Blockchains
🚀 This channel is all about technical analysis, Crypto analysis, trading and bitcoin.
Where money minds rethink rich
Essential content for the defying individual.
Decentralization Wins!!!
XRP shill
The fact that this guy managed to fill an entire fucking channel with XRP gaslighting and managed to keep it going until December 2020 deserves at least one extra star.
😂 Here it is
XRP is a shooting star which ended up being a wet diaper