Entrepreneur video essays for your viewing pleasure.
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Your voice is quite literally perfect for these sort of mini Docs. Most the time a topic like this is covered with a dark overtone, but you carry this optimistic voice of someone whos not phased by the fucked up people in this world. Merely reporting what they see.
How sad I’ve watched this cunt since the beginning of his rise and now he’s becoming similar to the people his videos criticized but like he said just unsubscribe if you’re not happy zero apologies 🙂
He watched the Wolf Of Wall Street too many times….
I guess I understand Jake because hes videos are about money, power, etc. So it’s only natural that he also uses all the tools he has in he’s disposal to make money.
Yeah, i think i get it now
Your voice is quite literally perfect for these sort of mini Docs. Most the time a topic like this is covered with a dark overtone, but you carry this optimistic voice of someone whos not phased by the fucked up people in this world. Merely reporting what they see.
Respect man, respect.
Nothing on his ridiculous hairstyle 😂🤣 ?
( I’m just breaking balls btw, he’s a good kid. )
a good kid ? he’s a bitch
more like Jake Tranny or something
How sad I’ve watched this cunt since the beginning of his rise and now he’s becoming similar to the people his videos criticized but like he said just unsubscribe if you’re not happy zero apologies 🙂
He watched the Wolf Of Wall Street too many times….
I guess I understand Jake because hes videos are about money, power, etc. So it’s only natural that he also uses all the tools he has in he’s disposal to make money.